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Diversity and Inclusion
Bursary Scheme
Supported by Indielab
For the sixth year running we are proud to deliver a Diversity and Inclusion Bursary Scheme.
The scheme will offer bursary places on the 2025 TV Accelerator to indies founded by members of the under-represented groups listed below and which also meet the company criteria outlined on the Indielab website.
Indies who apply for the Diversity and Inclusion Bursary Scheme and meet the criteria will then be selected based on their suitability for the programme.
We welcome applications for the Diversity and Inclusion Bursary Scheme from companies founded by people from the following under-represented groups, including but not limited to:
Black African, Black Caribbean, and any other Black background;
Bangladeshi, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, and any other Asian background;
White and Asian, White and Black African, White and Black Caribbean, and any other mixed ethnic background;
Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent.
Please indicate on the Application Form ​your eligibility to apply for a bursary place.
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